Thank you for writing and allowing me to clarify the present position 谢谢你的来信,并允许我阐明目前的立场。
So Vicky, how long have you held your present position? 所以,Vicky,你目前的工作做多久了?
This is the time it takes the actuating mechanism to move the heads from their present position to a new position. 这个时间是引动机制将磁头从当前位置移到一个新位置所需要的时间。
ACTION: Rather than abandoning your present position, consider the areas where you do have control. 对策:与其放弃目前的职位,不如考虑你能控制的领域。
On economic and monetary union, I stressed that we would be ready to move beyond the present position to the creation of a European monetary fund and a common community currency which we have called a hard ECU. 关于经济和货币联盟,我强调过我们需要做好准备,跨越目前的处境,来建立一个欧洲货币基金和共同的通用货币,也就是我们所说的欧洲货币单位。
He will immediately take care that one of my people releases your Uncle from his present position, by paying the amount at issue; and that such arrangements are made for its repayment as may be consistent with your Uncle's circumstances. 他会立刻作出安排,让我的一位职员支付那笔钱,把您的舅舅从他目前的困境中解脱出来;偿还的条件也是规定得符合您舅舅的境况的。
It is dangerous to remain present position. 保持现在的位置很危险。
While there are certainly other criteria, these are certainly important, if the clarinet is to be called "professional". The only reason why I am leaving the present position is I want an object to better myself. 当然还有其它需要考虑的因素,如果一支单簧管具备职业水准,这些要求也必须达到。本人之所以准备离开目前的工作岗位,惟一的理由是为谋求更高的职位。
Two months before birth, we descended to our present position through a little opening called the inguinal canal. 出生前两个月,我们通过一个名叫腹股沟管的小开口,下降到我们现在的位置。
What salary do you get at your present position? 目前职位上你的工资是多少?
How do you evaluate the budget in your present position? 您如何评价自己当前工作岗位的预算情况?
The only reason why I am leaving my present position is because of the desire to improve myself. 我离开现有职位的唯一原因是想使自己有所提高。
The present position is that the three main sources of power are coal, oil and waterpower. 按目前情况,三种主要能源是煤炭,石油和水力。
He returned to China in1983 and the present position is the chief architect of Beijing Architecture Design and Research Institute, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering. 1983年回国,现任北京市建筑设计研究院总建筑师、中国工程院院士。
Waves of anger at the unfair treatment that had brought him to his present position swept over him. 把他拖入目前处境的这种不公平待遇,使他非常愤怒。
It is dangerous to remain in your present position. 保持现在的船位是危险的。
In your present position, what problems have you identified that had previously been overlooked? 在你这个职位上,你能识别你的问题所在就是你之前没有注意到的?
The only reason why I am leaving the present position is to gain more experience in a trading office. 本人之所以离开目前的工作岗位,惟一原因是希望能在一家贸易公司积累更多的工作经验。
In the middle to late Jurassic period, owing to a large-scale left-lateral displacement of Tanlu fault zone, the Jiaobei terrane moved to the present position from the east of Bengbu-Wuhe area. 中晚侏罗世,郯庐断裂带发生了巨大的左行平移,胶北地体从蚌埠-五河的东部推移到现在的位置。
The only reason why I am leaving the present position is I want an object to better myself. 本人所准备离开目前的工作岗位,唯一理由是为谋求更高的职位。
She owes her present position to having worked very hard. 她有今天的地位是她辛勤工作得来的。
Stop in present position and wait for pilot. 在目前船位处停下等引航员。
However, in his present position he was invisible. 不过他呆在这里,也没人瞧得见他。
Left turn from your present position, taxi to north for runway 21. 从现在位置左转,向北滑行,使用21号跑道。
His present position lets him stay at one remove from the neighbours. 他的现任职务使他与邻居的关系保持着一定的距离。
By sheer ability and force of character he has acquired the present position. 他获得目前的职位全凭他的才能和坚毅的性格。
Had you thought of leaving your present position before? If so, what do you think held you there? 你之前想过离开现在的职位吗?如果想过,什么原因使你留在了那里?
And yet, sinner, this is your present position. 然而,罪人们,这正是你目前的光景。
Magee: Can I now chart our present position in the whole discussion? 现在来小结一下我们的讨论,好吗?
I feel I am not progressing in my present position. 我感到我目前的职位,没有什麽进展。